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cancel the debts中文是什么意思

用"cancel the debts"造句"cancel the debts"怎么读"cancel the debts" in a sentence


  • 购销债务


  • 27 the servant ' s master took pity on him , canceled the debt and let him go
  • Neither of them had the money to pay him back , so he canceled the debts of both . now which of them will love him more ?
  • 42 neither of them had the money to pay him back , so he canceled the debts of both . now which of them will love him more ?
  • India is to cancel the debt of its small farmers in a giant scheme that will cost 600bn rupees ( $ 15bn ; 瞿 7 . 6bn )
    印度将取消将值六千亿个卢比的一个庞大的计划的它的小农夫的债务( $一百五十亿;瞿七十六亿)
  • The sweeping decision immediately cancels the debt owed by 18 heavily - indebted countries to the world bank , the international monetary fund and the african development bank
  • China has provided tariff breaks to the least developed countries in asia and africa , and cancelled the debt owed by 38 developing countries there in the amount of rmb13 . 778 billion
    向亚非最不发达国家提供了优惠关税待遇,并减免了38个亚非发展中国家137 . 78亿人民币的债务。
用"cancel the debts"造句  
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